No School for Christmas Break - December 20, 2023 - January 3, 2024


abcs The classes focus on literacy-based learning to help children acquire the skills, knowledge, and behaviors they need to transition successfully into Kindergarten. Emphasis is placed on pre-academic and school readiness skills such as listening and communicating, reading and number concepts, and playing and working together. Wee Lads and Lasses offers a wide range of developmentally appropriate, enriching activities while focusing on each child’s individual social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills.


Peer Models

The Peer Model Program provides an opportunity for typically developing children to join students in the Early Childhood Special Education Program and to serve as role models for the children with special needs. Peer Model students provide positive peer interactions, demonstrate play skills, and model appropriate language and behavior.

Benefits for Peer Models:

  • Peers develop positive and accepting attitudes toward people with special needs
  • Peers are frequently viewed as more socially skillful by teacher and parents
  • Peers participate in routines and activities similar to a community preschool
    program and typically attain equal, if not greater, developmental progress



Pre-K Program

Applications available at the Chapman Elementary office.


Class size is limited.

Items needed to enroll:

    • Copy of birth certificate
    • Copy of Immunizations
    • Proof of residency (such as utility bill and/or copy of rental agreement)

Cost is $90.00 per quarter.

T & TH 8:15-10:45 am (Typically 3 yr old)
Must be 3 as of September 1st of enrolling year.

M & W or T & TH 12:30-3:00 pm (Typically 4 yr old)
Must not be Kindergarten eligible to attend.


Teacher, Rylee Schlesener