JBCC Non-Resident Application

Apply here for Non-Resident Students


Enrollment Considerations

It is critical that the district maintain a student-teacher ratio that maximizes learning while remaining fiscally responsible. Additionally, the district must maintain appropriate physical space to efficiently and effectively educate students. These physical spaces may include but are not limited to classrooms, hallways, commons areas, dining, playground, parking, and offices. District capacity for the appropriate student enrollment range for each district school is outlined in Table 1.3.

Rural Center Elementary must prepare for having combination classrooms currently in grades 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th. 

Chapman Elementary has the following amount of teachers per grade level for the 2024-25 school year:

Kindergarten – 2 Teachers
1st Grade – 2 Teachers
2nd Grade – 3 Teachers
3rd Grade – 2 Teachers
4th Grade – 2 Teachers
5th Grade – 3 Teachers

Blue Ridge and Enterprise Elementary have 1 teacher per grade level. 

*Guidelines Refer to JBCC Non-Resident Policy– Enrollment of Nonresident Students